Book Review: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

While creating my seemingly never ending book list for my last trip to the bookstore, I discovered Fangirl. I’ve been intrigued by Rainbow Rowell recently, considering she’s become quite popular, and when I saw Fangirl was written by Rowell, I couldn’t resist.

fangirl-rainbow-rowell-berryI almost didn’t buy it because I could only find it in hardcover, but figured it might be worth it (I didn’t realize until after that I bought an exclusive collector’s edition, which includes some cool fan art). Overall, I found it worth it. I only wish I had when I was starting my freshman year at college – gosh, what five years ago?!

While I didn’t try to survive on protein bars for the sole purpose to avoid going to the dining hall, I definitely experienced some of the anxiety, frustration, and some of the defeat that the main character, Cath, experiences. For the most part, the characters and interactions felt real, at least from what I remember of my own freshman year.

While I agree with some other readers of this novel that the ending wasn’t the tidiest, the main message I received is that no matter the situation, we’re resilient and we can adapt to new situations and to change, we just have to give ourselves the chance to do so. One of the perfect examples is starting college.

The excerpts of fan fiction within the novel are interesting, but at times were too much. I always understood that the pieces were connected somehow to Cath’s life, but I usually wanted to skip them because I never really viewed them as part of the actual story.

Overall, though, I would definitely recommend this novel to read. Have you read it? I would love to know your thoughts!

Happy Reading ❤ Nicole

8 thoughts on “Book Review: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

  1. I read this book in one sitting on the beach last year – best decision ever! Glad you enjoyed it, and great review!


    • Yes, quite the fun accident haha. I would say most of it was worth it, some of the art was for the fan fiction, but I definitely think it added something great to the story as a whole. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Late on commenting – but the day I did read this post was the same day that they were raving about it on NPR – thought… happy coincidence and now HAVE to check it out! Thanks for the push in the right direction. I’ll let you know what I think


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